ISSS Zonal Award

These awards, four in number, are exclusively meant for holders of Master's degree in Soil Science and giving best presentation of research work carried out by them during the Master's degree programme.

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ISSS Best Doctoral Presentation Award

This award, given annually to an individual, is in recognition of the best presentation of doctoral research work done in Soil Science in India. Eligibility: A recipient of Doctoral degree

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Golden Jubilee Young Scientist Award

This award, given annually to an individual in recognition of his/her professional contributions in Soil Science, is open to members of the ISSS who are not more than 40 years of age as on

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Nomination Proforma for Fellowship of ISSS

The Honorary Members and Fellows of ISSS are invited to nominate eligible members for Fellowship of ISSS, which is conferred on an individual in recognition of his/her professional outstanding

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Dr. J.S.P. Yadav Memorial Award for Excellence in Soil Science

Applications are invited from the members of the ISSS or the team in the area of basic/ applied aspects of soil science for sustainable high productivity. In case of the team one of the members shall be the active member of the ISSS. Each applicant is required to fill up the online application

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Dr. J.S. Kanwar 12th International Congress Commemoration Award

Applications are invited from the members of the ISSS, irrespective of age for this award. Each applicant is required to fill up the online application complete in all respects, giving evidence of creating a school of research, providing leadership

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Prof. Sant Singh Memorial Award for Excellence in Education and Research in Soil Science

Applications are invited from the members of the ISSS. Each applicant is required to fill up the online application complete in all respects, giving a concise account of the work (not more than 500 words each for

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Indian Society of Soil Science

The Indian Society of Soil Science (ISSS) came into existence on December 22, 1934 in Calcutta under Act XXI of 1860 (Registration No. 8164/252 of 1934-35) with 28 members. It was formally inaugurated on January 3, 1935 at the Presidency College, Calcutta. Sir Bryce C. Burt, the then Agricultural Commissioner in the Imperial (now Indian) Council of Agricultural Research, was the first President of the Society and Prof. J.N. Mukherjee its first secretary.